
CSS Grid Tutorial: What Is It and How To Use It

by Jessica Gavino
August 29, 2023
CSS Grid Tutorial: What Is It and How To Use It

The world of web design has seen quite the transformation. Remember the days when we wrestled with tables and floated elements around, trying to achieve the perfect layout? Well, times have certainly changed. Now, we’re talking about CSS Grid, a game-changer in the realm of web layouts. It’s brought a breath of fresh air and made our web design dreams easier to realize.

And here’s where we, at, step in. While the digital space is bursting with tools and plugins that promise to make things easier, we believe in the authenticity of crafting each website by hand. No shortcuts, no one-size-fits-all templates. Just genuine, hand-coded perfection. Why? Because your website deserves a unique touch, and that’s precisely what we aim to provide.

In this post, we’ll explore the wonder that is CSS Grid and share how you can make the most of it.

Defining the CSS Grid

Alright, let’s chat about the CSS Grid. If you’re imagining a simple grid paper, you’re in the right ballpark but think digital! CSS Grid is like a framework that allows web designers to arrange content both vertically and horizontally on a web page. It’s like giving them an invisible chessboard, and every piece of content – be it an image, text, or video – can be placed exactly where they want it.

But why all the buzz about CSS Grid? Well, before its introduction, web designers had to jump through quite a few hoops to get their layouts just right. It was like trying to solve a puzzle where the pieces didn’t quite fit. With the arrival of CSS Grid, this puzzle got a lot simpler. Now, designers can precisely place items, design complex layouts, and ensure they look fantastic on any device. It’s that flexibility and precision that’s turned heads and won hearts in the web design community.

And hey, if you’re thinking this sounds a bit technical, don’t worry. We, at, are here to make it all understandable and accessible for you. Because we believe in not just creating stunning websites, but also helping you understand the how and the why behind them. So, whether you’re looking to create a web masterpiece or just curious about the tools of the trade, CSS Grid is definitely something to be excited about!

a notebook with wireframe drawings

CSS Grid & Flexbox: Complementary Not Competitive

Ever heard the saying, “Different strokes for different folks?” Well, when it comes to web design, it’s more like “Different tools for different rules.” Let’s talk about CSS Grid and Flexbox, two tools that often come up in the same conversation, but serve distinct purposes.

First off, Flexbox. Picture this: you have a group of items and you want them to sit neatly in a row, or maybe a column. Or perhaps you want to space them out evenly or cluster them together. That’s where Flexbox shines. It’s all about one-dimensional layouts, which means it works wonders for lining things up in straight lines, either horizontally or vertically.

Now, enter CSS Grid. As we touched on earlier, it offers a two-dimensional layout system. So, instead of just rows or just columns, with CSS Grid, you can play around with both at the same time. It’s like going from playing checkers on a single line to a full chessboard, where you can maneuver in any direction.

But here’s the thing: CSS Grid and Flexbox aren’t rivals; they’re more like teammates. While each has its strengths, they can also work together seamlessly. You might use Flexbox for a navigation menu, while leveraging CSS Grid for the overall page layout. It’s all about picking the right tool for the task at hand.

We at love using both. Not because it’s trendy, but because they genuinely offer flexibility and precision in designing a layout that feels just right. And the best part? We’re here to guide you through it, ensuring your website not only looks good but functions perfectly too. So, whether it’s CSS Grid, Flexbox, or a mix of both, we’re always ready to chat and find the best fit for your needs.

Bootstrap vs CSS Grid: The Rundown

So, you’ve probably heard of Bootstrap. It’s been a popular kid on the web design block for a while, offering a helping hand to designers aiming to create responsive websites. In its essence, Bootstrap is like a ready-made kit, filled with components and layouts, all set to be customized. It’s been a reliable friend for many projects, especially when speed was of the essence.

But then along came CSS Grid, and things got interesting. With CSS Grid, instead of working within the constraints of a pre-designed kit, designers found themselves with the freedom to craft layouts from the ground up. It was like swapping out a coloring book (where you fill within the lines) for a blank canvas, ready for any creation you could dream of.

Does this mean CSS Grid has overshadowed Bootstrap? Well, not exactly. While CSS Grid offers unparalleled layout freedom, Bootstrap brings a robust ecosystem of components and pre-styled elements. Sometimes, that’s precisely what a project needs. It’s like choosing between baking a cake from scratch or using a mix. Both can yield delicious results; it depends on the occasion.

At, we appreciate the strengths of both. CSS Grid gives us the room to be truly creative, crafting unique layouts tailored to individual needs. Bootstrap, on the other hand, can be a great choice when we want to get things up and running swiftly without compromising on responsiveness.

The bottom line? It’s not about which tool is better; it’s about which tool is right for you and your project. And you can trust us to always make choices that align with your vision and goals. Because at the end of the day, we’re all about making sure your website shines, regardless of the tools we use to get there.

Diving Deeper: Practical CSS Grid Examples

Ever tried to build a house of cards? You carefully select each card, analyze where it should go, and then place it with precision, hoping it all holds together. Designing a website layout can feel a tad like that, except with CSS Grid, it’s as if your cards have this intuitive sense to know where to go, ensuring your architectural masterpiece stays upright and impressive.

Let’s dive into a practical example. Imagine you’re crafting a gallery for a photography website. With the traditional tools, placing photos in neat rows and columns can get tricky, especially if the images are of different dimensions. With CSS Grid, though, you can easily define rows and columns, decide the space between them, and even ensure certain photos span multiple rows or columns to showcase their significance.

Or consider a magazine-style layout, where text and images dance together in harmony, creating a delightful visual narrative. Earlier, achieving this might’ve involved a bunch of nested elements and crossed fingers, hoping everything aligns just right. With CSS Grid, you can specify where each element (be it a headline, an image, or a block of text) should sit, ensuring the layout remains consistent and fluid across different devices.

But, what about those technical tags and commands, you wonder? Yes, CSS Grid comes with its set of terms like ‘grid-template-columns’, ‘grid-gap’, and ‘place-items’. But think of them as the ingredients in a recipe. Once you know what each does, whipping up a delicious layout becomes second nature.

At, our aim is to make this all seem approachable and fun. Whether we’re crafting a complex layout or explaining the intricacies of CSS Grid to our partners, we prioritize clarity and understanding. Our hope? To make sure that by the end of our collaboration, you not only have a website you adore but also a deeper appreciation for the tools and techniques that brought it to life. After all, every masterpiece has its story, and we’re eager to share it with you.

a person pointing to the laptop screen

Why Hand-Coding Matters in a World of Ready-Made Solutions

In today’s bustling digital landscape, there’s a tool, plugin, or converter for almost everything. You might think, “Why spend time hand-coding when there are quicker routes to the destination?” It’s a bit like pondering why a chef might opt to grind spices by hand when there are electric blenders ready to do the job faster. The answer, though seemingly simple, holds deep significance: authenticity and the human touch.

Every website is unique. Like fingerprints, no two should be precisely the same. That’s where the beauty of hand-coding comes into play. When we sit down to craft a website layout using CSS Grid, it’s not just about arranging boxes on a screen. It’s about bringing a vision to life, understanding the essence of a brand, and ensuring the digital space reflects that essence perfectly.

Sure, tools and converters offer speed, and sometimes that’s necessary. But they can’t replace the intricate nuances, the bespoke touches, and the heartfelt care that comes with every line of code written by hand. It’s the difference between a mass-produced garment and a tailor-made outfit, crafted specifically for you.

At, we take immense pride in our commitment to hand-coded solutions. Not because it’s the hard way, but because we believe in delivering something that stands out in the vast sea of cookie-cutter websites. When we collaborate with agencies and freelancers, our shared goal is always to create something that not only looks stunning but feels right to its core.

So, in the dance of design and development, while the world spins with shortcuts and instant solutions, we choose to sway to the rhythm of authenticity. And trust us, that choice makes all the difference in the final performance. Because in a world of fleeting first impressions, your website should leave a lasting one. And we’re here to ensure it does, every step of the way.

Understanding CSS Grid in HTML Context

Ever seen a jigsaw puzzle? All those pieces, waiting to come together and create a beautiful image. Designing a website isn’t very different. Each component, whether it’s a piece of text, an image, or a video, needs its place. And that’s where the story of CSS Grid in HTML begins.

When we talk about HTML, we’re referring to the building blocks of the internet. Every website you see is, at its core, a combination of HTML elements. CSS Grid, on the other hand, is like the rulebook, guiding where each block should go, ensuring everything fits neatly, and looks great while doing so.

Picture this: you want a header at the top, a sidebar on the left, your main content in the center, and maybe a nifty little footer at the bottom. Now, how do you ensure each of these elements stays in its designated spot, looking crisp on a desktop and just as fabulous on a smartphone? Enter CSS Grid. By integrating it into your HTML structure, you give each element a defined space, making sure it knows where to sit and how to behave.

The beauty of this combination lies in its adaptability. Whether you’re aiming for a minimalistic design or a more complex layout with multiple sections, using CSS Grid in your HTML ensures that everything flows harmoniously.

At, we relish the opportunity to create with these tools. It’s like being given a blank canvas and an array of vibrant colors, allowing us to paint a unique masterpiece each time. And the best part? We’re always eager to involve you in this creative process. Whether it’s understanding your needs, discussing potential layouts, or sharing the joys of a successful design, it’s a collaborative effort through and through.

In a realm where technology constantly evolves, the timeless dance of HTML and CSS Grid remains a testament to the power of simplicity and precision. It’s a duo that not only captures the essence of design but also ensures the web remains a beautiful space for all of us.

The Charm of CSS Grid: More than Just Examples

Imagine walking into an art gallery. Each painting, sculpture, and installation tells a story, captures an emotion, or shares a piece of history. Similarly, when we dive into the realm of web design, every layout, element placement, and animation unravels a narrative about the brand or message it represents. And among the tools at our disposal, CSS Grid stands out as a versatile artist, ready to breathe life into our digital visions.

Now, CSS Grid isn’t just about aligning elements or making sure everything fits. It’s about creating visual stories. Whether you’re introducing a new product, showcasing your portfolio, or sharing a heartwarming blog post, how your content is presented can elevate its impact. And that’s the magic of CSS Grid – it’s more than just lines of code; it’s an enabler of storytelling.

Consider a photographer’s portfolio. With CSS Grid, we can weave a tale where each photograph has its own space, yet they all come together to showcase the artist’s journey. Maybe there’s a landscape photo that deserves more prominence because of its breathtaking beauty. CSS Grid allows us to give it that spotlight while ensuring other photographs remain part of the narrative.

And the beauty of it all? It’s adaptable. Whether someone is viewing your story on a vast desktop screen or a compact mobile device, CSS Grid ensures the essence remains consistent.

At, our passion lies in turning your visions into digital realities. Every project is a fresh opportunity to create, innovate, and ensure your message resonates with your audience. It’s not just about creating websites; it’s about building experiences.

In the evolving tapestry of web design, CSS Grid shines brightly, reminding us that with the right tools and a sprinkle of creativity, the digital world can be as mesmerizing as any art gallery. And we’re here, every step of the way, turning that possibility into reality.

The Responsive Riddle: Making Grids Work Everywhere

Navigating the world of web design sometimes feels like solving a puzzle. With devices of all sizes, from the vast expanse of desktop screens to the compact realm of smartphones, ensuring your design shines everywhere is crucial. Enter the realm of responsive design, where CSS Grid plays a significant role.

Understanding the intricacies of responsive design is akin to mastering the art of adaptability. Just as a chameleon seamlessly blends into its environment, a well-designed website should fluidly adjust to different screen sizes. And CSS Grid is one tool that can help achieve this harmony.

With CSS Grid, you’re not just placing items on a layout. You’re crafting a dynamic canvas where each element knows its place, irrespective of screen size. This adaptability is achieved through grid templates and media queries, allowing designs to reshape and reflow.

If Bootstrap was your go-to for grids, you might find that CSS Grid offers a more streamlined and native approach. It integrates seamlessly into the CSS ecosystem, reducing the need for external libraries.

At, we understand that in today’s digital age, adaptability is not just a desirable trait but an essential one. Every design choice we make, every line of code we write, is imbued with the understanding that the digital world is diverse. And through this understanding, we ensure that your message, brand, and vision are consistently and beautifully represented, no matter where they’re viewed.

Guided Learning: Top Resources

Embarking on the path of web design can feel like stepping into a vast, ever-expanding universe. With so many tools, techniques, and terminologies, knowing where to begin can be a tad overwhelming. Fear not; the internet is abundant with resources ready to guide you.

For those curious about CSS Grid, there’s a treasure trove of online tutorials, articles, and videos. From beginner-friendly introductions to deep dives into complex layouts, there’s something for every curious mind. One popular destination for many is w3schools, known for its clear explanations and interactive examples. If you’re someone who enjoys visual learning, countless YouTube channels dedicate time to break down CSS Grid’s fundamentals. And, of course, websites like are always eager to share knowledge and insights.

Remember, every master was once a beginner. With the right resources and a dash of dedication, you’ll find yourself confidently navigating the world of web design.

Steering Clear of Shortcuts: The Downside of Generators

In the vast realm of web development, shortcuts can be alluring. Generators, with their promise of instant results, can seem like a beacon of efficiency in an otherwise time-consuming process. Picture this: it’s like walking into a bakery and being offered a machine that instantly whips up any pastry you desire. Tempting, right? But let’s ponder this a bit more.

The true essence of baking – or in our case, web design – lies in the authenticity of the process. Just as every sprinkle on a handmade cupcake tells a story, every line of hand-crafted code in a website contributes to its individuality. Generators, while useful, often adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. And this uniformity can rob a website of its unique identity.

Beyond the aesthetics, websites produced by generators can sometimes carry the baggage of redundant code. This excess can lead to slower site speeds and a less than optimal user experience. Remember, every second counts when it comes to retaining visitors on your site.

At, we genuinely care about the websites we create. We believe in taking the scenic route, relishing each step of the design journey, and ensuring that every website stands out in its own unique way. Because in a world full of replicates, authenticity shines the brightest.

a person shaking hands with another person

Collaborate with Confidence: Why Partner with Hey Reliable

Imagine a sunny afternoon. You’re brainstorming your next big web project, sketching out designs, and laying out the groundwork. But the technical side? It feels like a looming raincloud on your bright day. That’s where we come into the picture.

At, our mission is simple: to make your vision come alive on the web. We understand the intricacies of web design and the challenges that come with it. Instead of diving into the deep end alone, consider us your co-swimmers, helping you navigate the waves with ease and assurance.

What makes partnering with us so special? For starters, we’re all about genuine craftsmanship. We value the authenticity of hand coding and steer clear of one-size-fits-all shortcuts. Every project with us is like crafting a custom piece of art, ensuring your brand story shines in its unique light.

Additionally, our friendly team is always open to conversations, ensuring a seamless back-and-forth throughout the project. And while we’re on the topic of collaboration, did we mention we’re a favorite among agencies and freelancers? They trust us for our consistent quality and commitment, and we think you’ll appreciate that too.

So, as you dream and plan, remember that is here to turn those dreams into digital reality. Together, we can make the web a more beautiful, functional, and reliable place.


Navigating the world of CSS Grid and web design can sometimes feel like deciphering a new language. But here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be a solitary venture. At every twist and turn, whether you’re just starting or refining your craft, remember that there’s a community ready to support, guide, and work alongside you. And if you’re looking for partners who genuinely care about bringing your vision to life with authenticity and precision, is only a message away.

Web development isn’t just about codes and algorithms; it’s about crafting stories, building dreams, and creating memorable experiences for everyone who visits. With the right tools and partners, your web journey can be not just successful, but also joyful and fulfilling. At Hey Reliable, we believe in the power of authentic web design, tailored just for you. If you’re seeking a partner who truly listens and puts your needs at the forefront, we’re here to chat. Let’s create something meaningful together. Reach out today and let’s get started on your authentic digital journey.

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