Over a year ago, we changed our name from Reliable PSD to Hey Reliable. We made this change because the needs of our clients dictated that we grow and evolve. When we started in 2014, the bulk of our business came from design-to-code projects, but coding for design didn’t capture the totality of what clients wanted from us.
We had to become a web development agency, and that’s what we’ve done. Coding for design is still part of our repertoire, but we have integrated frontend and backend development, e-commerce solutions, and content-management systems into our workflow.
We’ve invested in our staff to carry out this mission, and we have team members located all over the world–along with clients in 40 different countries. We are truly a global company.
And we’re so not done with our reboot. In today’s world, if you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse. The technological advancements, the arrival of new tools, the constant churn of innovation: if you ignore these large forces and keep your head stuck in the sand, you will get washed away with an incoming tide. We pride ourselves on staying ahead of the curve by embracing emerging tech.
Innovation can unleash creative destruction, and we’re here to help you navigate these perilous waters. So let’s take a gander at the new stuff we’re rolling out at Hey Reliable.
90-Day Code Guarantee
At the end of the day, great web development requires great coding. We’re lucky to work with some of the best coders in the world, and our talent acquisition spans the globe. We believe in our coders so fervently that we offer a 90-day coding guarantee. If in the original scope of a project, bugs infiltrate the finished project, we’ll fix it at no cost. We stand by our work and in fact quadruple-check everything we do. We used to offer a 30-day coding guarantee, but we bumped it up because we want our clients to know that our partnership is enduring.
What that means is that if any bugs and glitches arise in the three months after launch, we’ll fix it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a front-end snafu or a back-end hiccup, we will make sure that your website purrs like a happy kitten.
New Web Development Subscription Option
Many businesses face an issue related to growing pains: when to hire a full-time position. Often, the job doesn’t require a full-time person, so then you’re constantly looking out for freelancers who might be swamped already or just not quite good enough. But there is a better solution.
Our Web Development Subscription option solves this problem. You don’t need to hire a web developer, you can just use us for ongoing projects. By keeping us on retainer, you are bringing on board proven experts who can help you with a few projects or with ongoing coding issues. No more interviewing, no more bad hires, no more tracking billable hours!
Whatever your needs are, we’ll jump in and make it work, from everything HTML/CSS, JavaScript, to WordPress and WooCommerce, React/Vue, and more. Space for this option is limited, however. Again, this is like hiring your own team, except at a fraction of the cost. So if you’re looking to aggressively grow your business, this is a lane you can take with us.
Speed Optimization
Websites have to load quickly. According to researchers at Google, the bounce rate on websites increased by 32% when the load time increased from one second to three, and it jumped to 90% when the load time-lagged to five seconds.
The best way to improve your load time is through better coding. We’ve been fixing speed issues for clients and have had measurable success in cutting down load times. The upside is that faster websites have lower bounce and higher conversion rates. Our coders are masterful at shaving time, they are epic, and so you should reach out to see if your site could use some pep in its step.
Contentful and Craft
As we’ve said, we are committed to adapting to new technologies if they become best-practices in the field. We’ve implemented Craft, which is a popping content-management system. Web developers near and far are super excited about this platform because it has so many cool features that allow us to build amazing websites. It’s completely scalable, so as your company grows, the website grows with you. The API is based on GraphQL query language, and so custom integrations and automating tasks have never been easier. Creatives can have a field day with the tools embedded in Craft, such as the Image Editor and the Matrix Field. Basically, if you dream it, Craft can turn it into reality.
We’re also rolling with Contentful, a platform that lets you manage your content once while publishing it everywhere. Essentially, you can orchestrate your content across many different streams: mobile, web app, marketing, or e-commerce.
New Website!
As you may have noticed, our website has gotten a makeover. We have some fancy new illustrations and animations, a new and improved blog, a helpful new FAQ page, among other wonders. It’s a custom website we designed first in Figma. The next step was coding, taking the design from Figma and turning it into HTML/CSS/JS. The last task was converting the code into a fully custom WordPress theme using Advanced Custom Fields.
We can do the same for our clients. Whatever your needs are, we can help. It doesn’t matter if you have sketches on a napkin or complete Figma renderings, we have a team in place that can come up with novel solutions. Making beautiful things is our passion. Our goal is to make our clients smile every day that we work together. Take that first step and give us a shout. Who knows, you might actually crack a smile.